Course Overview
This course provides diving supervisors with updated knowledge and skills to comply with South Africa’s commercial diving regulations, ensuring safe and effective management of diving operations.
Understand the latest DoEL legislation and regulations for commercial diving.
Apply Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) techniques.
Conduct workplace assessments to ensure compliance with safety standards.
Implement safe diving practices and emergency protocols.
Fulfil their responsibilities in managing occupational health and safety.
Theory (Module A)
- DoEL Legislation
Overview of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Diving Regulations).
Certification, registration, and compliance requirements for supervisors.
Legal implications of non-compliance.
- DoEL Supervisor Formative Studies
Roles, responsibilities, and ethical conduct of a diving supervisor.
Leadership and communication skills for managing teams.
Incident reporting and investigation procedures.
- HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment)
Identifying hazards in diving operations.
Assessing risks and implementing control measures.
Practical exercises in HIRA application.
Practical Workplace Assessment (Module B)
Conduct on-site assessments to identify hazards and ensure compliance.
Implement corrective actions to mitigate risks.
Document findings, recommendations, and lessons learned from case studies.
Written exams for theoretical knowledge (associated with Module A).
Practical evaluations of HIRA techniques and workplace assessments (associated with Module B).
Case study analysis and presentations (associated with Module A and B).
Course Features
- Lectures 77
- Quiz 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 4
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes